Contentbox headline
annihilon voltar

Experiência: 10000
Velocidade: 380
Vida: 60000

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 60
Defense: 55

Offensive and Defensive
Nome Parametros
Melee Attacks approximately every 2 seconds.
Spell Deals approximately 1118 damage per turn.
Healing Recovers approximately 914 health per turn.
Speed Cast approximately and randomly every 5 seconds.

Summons and Voices
Summons Voices
This monster can't summon anyone. "Annihilation!"

Elements and Immunities
Immunities: Lifedrain | Invisible |

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Emerald Bangle 1 298.25% Gold Coin 97 589.5%
Platinum Coin 24 107.75% Violet Gem 1 178.25%
Yellow Gem 1 258.25% Green Gem 1 205%
Red Gem 1 205% Blue Gem 1 178.25%
Halberd 1 285% Guardian Halberd 1 178.25%
Heavy Mace 1 365% Mastermind Shield 1 45%
Guardian Shield 1 98.25% Crown Shield 1 85%
Demon Shield 1 71.75% Tower Shield 1 151.75%
Power Bolt 82 89.5% Soul Orb 5 127.75%
Demon Horn 2 91.75% Infernal Bolt 49 145.75%
Assassin Star 50 84.5% Diamond Sceptre 1 45%
Onyx Flail 1 58.25% Demonbone 1 18.25%
Berserk Potion 1 186.5% Mastermind Potion 1 186.5%
Great Mana Potion 1 200% Great Health Potion 1 173.25%
Giant Shimmering Pearl 2 231.75% Flaming Arrow 99 87.5%
Great Spirit Potion 1 53.25% Ultimate Health Potion 1 120%
Skullcracker Armor 1 18.25% Paladin Armor 1 125%
Obsidian Truncheon 1 45% Rusty Armor 1 658.25%
Gold Ingot 1 178.25%

Items drop - In bag
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance

Monster Boost Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Jogadores Online
Special Key
Level: 5222 - Res: 21
Paz Carnaval
Level: 5865 - Res: 20
Bolo De Cenoura
Level: 5633 - Res: 20
4 - Mariazinha Curoxo
Level: 5239 - Res: 20
5 - Zip Lock
Level: 4804 - Res: 19
Castle 24h
Guild War